What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is an affective disorder that is categorized by unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels.
We have made an infographic, so you can get a better insight into what bipolar disorder is.

Mental health app could help prevent depression in young people at high risk
by Pauline Hansen | 7. October 2024 | Depression, Mental Illness, mHealth, News | 0 Comments
Monsenso Implements The Shape Up Method
by Pauline Hansen | 17. October 2023 | Blog, Shape Up | 0 Comments
Monsenso has moved on from scrum and are now using the shape up method. This has meant changes …. In a good way.
Healthcare as a business case: Which importance is placed on societal impact vs economic impact?
by Thomas Lethenborg | 26. April 2023 | Blog, mHealth | 0 Comments
Over the past decade, public spending on health in Denmark has been above the EU average. But how does Denmark decide which new treatment approaches to spend money on, and does the societal impact of healthcare measures play an equally important role as their economic impact?
Stress Awareness Month 2023
by Thomas Lethenborg | 21. April 2023 | Blog, Mental Illness | 0 Comments
April is Stress Awareness Month, which aims to shine light on stress and its consequences on our well-being, removing stigma and shame around mental health.
World Bipolar Day 2023
by Thomas Lethenborg | 30. March 2023 | Blog, Mental Illness | 0 Comments
March 30th is World Bipolar Day. The awareness day aims to inform about the mental illness and the struggles it can cause for individuals suffering from it, improving sensitivity and eliminating social stigma.
PhaseV: Input from users and clinicians is essential in the development of new digital health solutions
by Thomas Lethenborg | 9. March 2023 | Blog, mHealth, Patient Engagement | 0 Comments
The input from both end-users and clinicians is a crucial part of the design phase in the PhaseV project, where Monsenso and partners will develop a range of new digital health solutions for future clinical trials.
Monsenso participates in new project to investigate what works best for patients with depression after discharge from psychiatric treatment
by Thomas Lethenborg | 28. February 2023 | mHealth, News | 0 Comments
How do patients who have received psychiatric treatment for depression experience the sector transition into the primary sector? And what are their needs for treatment and care from different healthcare sectors? The DEPRIC research project is now trying to find answers and thereby develop a new treatment model for depression across healthcare sectors in Denmark.
European community-based intervention project will use Monsenso’s platform to prevent mental illness
by Thomas Lethenborg | 15. December 2022 | mHealth, News | 0 Comments
Together with a European consortium of partners, Monsenso has received a grant letter on a new community-based intervention project that includes development and trial of a digital health intervention delivered on Monsenso’s platform to prevent mental illness among vulnerable groups.
Monsenso to participate in AI-enabled personalised mental health therapy project
by Thomas Lethenborg | 13. December 2022 | mHealth, News | 0 Comments
Monsenso and a consortium of partners have received a grant letter from a funding entity to develop and trial a new, AI-enabled personalised therapy concept for people with mental disorders.
Healthier together – The EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative
by Thomas Lethenborg | 12. December 2022 | Blog, Mental Illness | 0 Comments
In order to fight non-communicable diseases and support the people suffering from them, the European Commission has launched the Healthier together – EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative (EU NCD Initiative), aimed at covering the period from 2022 to 2027.