Monsenso enables personalised care beyond the pill and
value demonstration to payers by capturing patient data
across their care journey.
Monsenso’s digital companion solution accompanies new treatments, while complementing existing care pathways.
Our solution enables education about a new treatment, direct communication and data sharing to support the identification of treatment responders, high volume prescribers and outcomes to facilitate value-based agreements.
Our solution is a CE Class 1 medical device that captures ePRO, symptom and wearable device data to provide a holistic view of the patient journey.
Monsenso enables personalised support and patient data capture throughout the care journey.
Collect self-reported data and provide patients with tools to practice helpful skills in day-to-day life and promote medical adherence enabling them to better manage their condition between consultations.
Provide clinicians with insights into patients’ symptoms, adherence and outcomes to demonstrate the value of a treatment in a transparent way.
Health systems/payers
Demonstrate real-world value to regulators and payers to support coverage, differentiate from existing treatments,
value-based reimbursement and label expansion.
Professionals web portal
Easy recruitment
Send screening questionnaires, invite trial participants remotely with customised study information and assign trial participants to groups and protocols.
Enable participants to understand the study and their role, and to provide informed consent to take part remotely.
Investigator forms
Record HCP/ investigator notes or observations throughout the study (coming soon).
Direct messaging
Provide timely support to participants remotely, reducing the number of unplanned site visits and potential dropouts.
Site dashboard and Visualization
See individual trial participant adherence to the study plan and get insights into health outcomes through historical aggregation of health and behavioural data.
Audit trail
Get full traceability of the “who”, “what” “when” and “where” during your studies (coming soon).
Platform integration
Based on open standards that allow integration with a variety of data sources, such as connected devices, wearables, and phone sensors.
Monsenso’s digital companion solution complements existing therapies and care pathways by empowering patients to better understand and manage their mental health between clinical visits.
Monsenso enables direct communication and data sharing between all life sciences stakeholders, enabling a personalised medication and treatment approach and improving treatment adherence.
Therapeutic expertise
Monsenso is proud to offer expertise in a number of therapeutic areas within the mental health domain, supporting both daily clinical practice as well as clinical trials.
Track record
Extensive track record in global deployments within academia, healthcare, social care and pharmaceutical companies across a variety of mental health disorders.
Scalable solution, fast deployment
A configurable, customisable cloud-based SaaS solution, that can be quickly configured to meet the needs of the target patient population and care pathway.
Regulatory, data privacy & security
Monsenso adheres to the highest security standards. CE-marked as Class 1 Medical Device, Cyber Essentials certified and ISO 13485 and ISO 27001 compliant.
Our expert team is ready to demonstrate the Monsenso digital companion solution and to answer any questions you might have.
[1] Lubkeman, M., Lee, Myrto., and Barrios, G. (2020) What do Patients Want, and is Pharma Delivering? Boston Consulting Group
[2] Szegedi A, Jansen WT, van Willigenburg AP, van der Meulen E, Stassen HH, Thase ME. Early improvement in the first 2 weeks as a predictor of treatment outcome in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis including 6562 patients. J Clin Psychiatry. 2009 Mar;70(3):344-53.
[3] Cohen, O., Fox, B., and Wright, P. (2020) COVID-19 and commercial pharma: Navigating and uneven recovery. McKinsey & Company
[4] Semahegn, A., Torpey, K., Manu, A. et al. (2020) Psychotropic medication non-adherence and its associated factors among patients with major psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systems Reviews 9, 17
[5] American Medical Association:
“Monsenso allows me to monitor patients more closely; their ups and downs. I am following them from the side-lines, and that is very reassuring for the patients”