Monsenso app used for research project promoting psychological resilience and nature connectedness in university students

Monsenso app used for research project promoting psychological resilience and nature connectedness in university students

The two-day Autumn School event with GoGreenRoutes hosted at the Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University (October 12th – 13th), saw the launch of a new configuration of our mobile application designed to promote psychological resilience and nature connectedness in university students across six participating European cities. Both mental health and nature are currently under threat globally, yet the optimal solution may be to address both challenges together with benefits for well-being and the natural environment.

The six-week digital programme focuses upon cultivating key psychological skills and enhancing participants’ relationship with the natural world through engagement with bespoke psychoeducational materials and a suite of nature-based activities. The programme will be made available to a range of students in GoGreenRoutes ‘Cultivating’ Cities, Limerick, Lahti, Umeå, Tallinn, Versailles and Burgas, over the coming six-month period.

The programme development has been led by the Institute of Child Education and Psychology, Europe (Ireland) and Monsenso (Denmark), and this process has been carefully conducted with the end user in mind. Programme content is based upon cutting-edge research in the promotion of psychological resilience and the need to cultivate the relationship between humans and nature.

Participating users of the research project will consist of university students in each of the six cities, who will embark upon an experiential six-week learning journey wherein one specific domain of psychological resilience will be addressed each week. A selection of five suggested nature-centered activities is provided in the application for each of the six resilience domains, with users retaining a sense of autonomy as to determining which of the activities are most suitable to their needs and preferences.

Participant engagement with the programme will be monitored on an ongoing weekly basis, and the efficacy of the programme will be assessed based upon the impact noted in users’ psychological resilience, nature connectedness, psychological wellbeing, pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours, sleep quality, and levels of outdoor activity across the six-week engagement period.

The first rollout of the programme will commence in mid-November and the implementation process will continue in the six European cities until April 2024.

For more information about the research project, visit

Monsenso participates in MENTBEST – a European community-based and personalised digital intervention project

Monsenso participates in MENTBEST – a European community-based and personalised digital intervention project

The new European intervention project MENTBEST will deliver an innovative and comprehensive community-based intervention programme and a personalised digital application based on Monsenso’s solution to prevent and mitigate the mental health challenges associated with dramatic and rapid change in Europe. 

European societies are severely impacted by global trends such as war, economic crisis, climate changes, migration, pandemics, and ageing population. These megatrends can negatively affect people’s psychological health and wellbeing – with vulnerable groups being at particular risk. Thus scalable intervention programmes are needed to build resilience and enhance self-help competency to prevent mental illness.

Therefore, the European Union is funding the design and delivery of validated community-based interventions and innovative technologies to empower individuals from vulnerable groups to better manage mental health challenges associated with dramatic and rapid change in Europe. During the MENTBEST project, interventions will be delivered to communities in five different countries, namely Albania, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, and Spain. The project is led by the European Alliance Against Depression, and includes a consortium of 14 European partners with an extensive range of expertise. 

As part of the intervention project, an AI-enabled app based on Monsenso’s digital health platform will be developed and trialed to help prevent mental illness among high-risk groups, particularly migrants/refugees, older people, younger people, long-term unemployed, and those already struggling with their mental health. The goal of the AI-enabled personalised self-care program is to allow vulnerable people to use their long-term smartphone-generated data to support their mental health self-management. 

“The ambition of MENTBEST is to increase resilience and self-help competencies of people most often left behind in times of rapid and dramatic societal changes.”, explains Professor Ulrich Hegerl, MENTBEST Project Coordinator and President of the European Alliance Against Depression.

“Timely access to evidence-based support has the potential to empower vulnerable people to reduce the risk of developing mental illnesses. We are looking forward to participating in MENTBEST and expanding our platform to provide personalised, AI-driven self-care programs to people at high risk of facing difficulties with their mental health.”, says Thomas Lethenborg, CEO at Monsenso. 

The MENTBEST app will be trialed in Denmark, Germany, and Spain under the leadership of Professor Lars Kessing and Associate Professor Maria Faurholt-Jepsen from Mental Health Services of the Capital Region of Denmark.

“The project builds on our year-long research experience with digital mental health for more severe mental health illnesses. We see great potential in digital, data-driven mental health also for mild to moderate conditions and consequently look forward to driving the digital intervention part of the MENTBEST project with Monsenso”, says Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Associate professor at Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark.

Project title: MENTBEST
Total budget: DKK 52.1 mio.
Net contribution to Monsenso: DKK 5.7 mio.
Duration: 5 years

About the partners
The project is led by the European Alliance Against Depression. The consortium entails leading experts in mental health promotion, resilience, wellbeing and primary prevention of disorders, mental disorders and suicide prevention, mental health in the workplace, mental health in children and adolescents, mental health in old age and experts in e-mental health and support technology, public policy, public education and evaluation. The consortium members are European Alliance Against Depression Ev, Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), National Suicide Research Foundation (Ireland), Region Hovedstaden (Denmark), Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (Denmark), Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut (Estonia), Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe Und Suizidpraevention (Germany), Qendres Se Shendetit Dhe Mireqenies Komunitare (Albania), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Pintail Ltd (Ireland), Kentro Erevnon Notioanatolikis Evropis Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (Greece), and Fundacio Institut Hospital del Mar D’Investigacions Mèdiques (Spain).

Further information:
Thomas Lethenborg
Tel. +45 21 29 88 27

Certified Adviser:
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden
Tel. +45 20 72 02 00

Healthcare as a business case: Which importance is placed on societal impact vs economic impact?

Healthcare as a business case: Which importance is placed on societal impact vs economic impact?

Over the past decade, public spending on health in Denmark has been above the EU average. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, government spending on healthcare has grown by more than 5% in 2020 alone [1], reaching total healthcare expenditures of DKK 270.794m in 2021 [2]. But how does Denmark decide which new treatment approaches to spend money on, and does the societal impact of healthcare measures play an equally important role as their economic impact?

Though member states of the European Union are not precluded from “releasing marketing authorisations valid at national level” for new medicines/treatments, EU-wide marketing authorisations require new treatments to go through a centralised authorisation procedure managed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which evaluates the pharmaceutical quality, safety, and efficacy of new treatments [3]. However, whereas obtaining marketing authorisation on an EU level allows providers to offer their new medicines/treatments, it is mainly the national health authorities’ decisions on reimbursement and pricing measures that affect if patients will have access to them [3]. 

In Denmark, the Danish Medicines Council (Medicinrådet) is an important body that assesses new treatment approaches and makes recommendations related to which medicines/treatments should be used in the Danish healthcare system [4]. Typically, cost-effectiveness and the impact on the healthcare budget are two important economic factors that national health authorities consider during such evaluations [3]. But what about the societal impact of new treatments? Does it receive sufficient consideration during the assessment procedures? 

Let’s take innovative digital health solutions as an example. If we purely consider the direct economic costs digital health solutions for mental health can help to reduce, such as the costs for (re)hospitalisation (e.g., DKK 6.000 per day), do we really get a full picture of the value of these innovations in healthcare? Potentially not, as the societal impact would not have been considered.

For instance, we would have not taken into account that digital health solutions for mental health can significantly improve the quality of life of individuals suffering from mental disorders [5], or that these innovations can enable mentally ill individuals to better recover and return to work faster. Neither would we have considered that digital solutions can facilitate making better use of resources available in the future, for instance by helping clinicians to handle growing patient data volumes they often feel overwhelmed with [6]. 

The societal impact of new treatments may be more difficult to quantify than the pure health economic impact, but we believe it is an important factor to consider when evaluating innovative approaches. At Monsenso, we have made it our mission to enable better mental health for more people at lower costs, and the positive societal impacts and increased quality of life that we help generate are as important to us as the pure health economic impact.
About Monsenso
Monsenso is an innovative technology company offering a digital health solution used for decentralised trials, remote patient monitoring and treatment support. Our mission is to contribute to improved health for more people at lower costs by supporting treatment digitally and leveraging patient-reported outcomes data. Our solution helps optimise the treatment and gives a detailed overview of an individual’s health through the collection of outcome, adherence, and behavioural data. It connects individuals, carers, and healthcare providers to enable personalised treatment, remote care, and early intervention. We collaborate with health and social care, pharmaceuticals, and leading researcher worldwide in our endeavors to deliver solutions that fit into the life of patients and healthcare professionals. To learn more visit


[1] European Commission (2021). State of Health in the EU · Denmark · Country Health Profile 2021.

[2] Statistics Denmark (n.d.). Health care expenditure.

[3] European Parliament (2015). Towards a Harmonised EU Assessment of the Added Therapeutic Value of Medicines.

[4] Medicinrådet (n.d.). Danish Medicines Council.

[5] Monsenso (2022). Key research findings.

[6] Elsevier Health (2022). Clinician of the Future Report 2022.

Stress Awareness Month 2023

Stress Awareness Month 2023

April is Stress Awareness Month, which aims to shine light on stress and its consequences on our well-being, removing stigma and shame around mental health.  

Stress is our bodies’ and brains’ response to environmental changes or adverse events [1;2]. When we experience a situation that provokes stress in us, we either react to it positively (pro-adaptively) and are able to adjust to the situation well, or we react negatively (maladaptively) and struggle to cope with the situation.

Most people feel stressed at times throughout their life. For some, the stress just lasts for a moment or a short period. For others, it, unfortunately, prevails longer and can have debilitating consequences [3]. Negative responses to stress often present themselves as “a state of worry or […] tension” and can have both physiological and mental effects [1;2]. Chronic stress has not only been identified as a major risk factor for mental illnesses, such as anxiety or depression, but has also been linked to physical illnesses, such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases [2].

In Denmark, the number of adults experiencing stress has increased significantly over the last few years. In 2021, elevated stress levels were recorded among 29% of the adult population, with 16–24-year-olds being the most affected age group [3].

For some people, practicing mindfulness and making smaller life changes, such as establishing a daily routine, creating better eating habits, and exercising regularly can help alleviate stress levels. For others, when stress becomes chronic and begins affecting one’s mental and physical health, seeking professional help can bring relief and help people improve their well-being.
However, many individuals struggling with their mental health do not seek treatment out of fear of being stigmatized and treated “differently […] or losing their jobs and livelihood” [4].

This is where digital health solutions for mental health offer an opportunity to empower individuals suffering from stress to better manage their own mental health and regain control over how stressful situations impact them. At Monsenso, we have worked with a variety of mental health disorders in both research and clinical settings. Our digital mental health solution has helped many individuals struggling with their mental health to better understand their conditions and live a more independent life. We are proud to support Stress Awareness Month and will continue to spread knowledge about mental health conditions and offer our support to individuals affected.
About Monsenso
Monsenso is an innovative technology company offering a digital health solution used for decentralised trials, remote patient monitoring and treatment support. Our mission is to contribute to improved health for more people at lower costs by supporting treatment digitally and leveraging patient-reported outcomes data. Our solution helps optimise the treatment and gives a detailed overview of an individual’s health through the collection of outcome, adherence, and behavioural data. It connects individuals, carers, and healthcare providers to enable personalised treatment, remote care, and early intervention. We collaborate with health and social care, pharmaceuticals, and leading researcher worldwide in our endeavors to deliver solutions that fit into the life of patients and healthcare professionals. To learn more visit

[1] World Health Organization (2023). Stress.

[2] Musazzi, L., Tornese, P., Sala, N., & Popoli, M. (2017). Acute or chronic? A stressful question. Trends in Neurosciences, 40(9), 525-535.

[3] Sundhedsstyrelsen (2022). Tal og fakta om stress. 

[4] American Psychiatric Association (n.d.). Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness.,have%20about%20their%20own%20condition.

World Bipolar Day 2023

World Bipolar Day 2023

March 30th is World Bipolar Day. The awareness day aims to inform about the mental illness and the struggles it can cause for individuals suffering from it, improving sensitivity and eliminating social stigma.

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental illness [1] and is more prevalent than one might think. In 2019, 40 million people globally suffered from the condition [2]. Typically, individuals with bipolar disorder “experience alternating depressive episodes with periods of manic symptoms”, where euphoric feelings and reckless behavior may occur [2].

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that often requires treatment over the course of many years [1]. Although there are a variety of effective treatment options available for the condition today, including medication and psychoeducation [2], the disorder is linked to high risks of relapse and hospitalisation [1]. In addition, individuals suffering from bipolar disorder are at a higher risk of suicide [2]. Among the age group of 15–44-year-olds, bipolar disorder is one of the leading causes of disability [1].

At Monsenso, we have a long history of trying to help individuals struggling with bipolar disorder to better take care of their mental health. Originally a spin-out of the EU-funded MONARCA Research Project, which aimed to create an innovational system allowing for better management, treatment and self-treatment of bipolar disorder [3], and with our continuous involvement in bipolar research and treatment support, we are committed to helping people living with the condition to live better, more independent lives.

We are proud to support World Bipolar Day and will continue to spread awareness and offer our support to individuals affected and clinicians providing treatment for the mental illness.
About Monsenso
Monsenso is an innovative technology company offering a digital health solution used for decentralised trials, remote patient monitoring and treatment support. Our mission is to contribute to improved health for more people at lower costs by supporting treatment digitally and leveraging patient-reported outcomes data. Our solution helps optimise the treatment and gives a detailed overview of an individual’s health through the collection of outcome, adherence and behavioural data. It connects individuals, carers and health care providers to enable personalised treatment, remote care and early intervention. We collaborate with health and social care, pharmaceuticals and leading researcher worldwide in our endeavours to deliver solutions that fit into the life of patients and health care professionals. To learn more visit

[1] Faurholt-Jepsen, M., Vinberg, M., Christensen, E.M., Frost, M., Bardram, J., Kessing, L.V (2013). Daily electronic self-monitoring of subjective and objective symptoms in bipolar disorder–the MONARCA trial protocol (MONitoring, treAtment and pRediCtion of bipolAr disorder episodes): a randomised controlled single-blind trial. BMJ Open,  24;3(7), e003353. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003353. PMID: 23883891; PMCID: PMC3731717.

 [2] World Health Organization (2022). Mental disorders. 

[3] Europäische Kommission (2019). MONitoring, treAtment and pRediCtion of bipolAr Disorder Episodes. CORDIS Forschungsergebnisse der EU.