Learn more about the use of mHealth technology
in the mental health space
Healthcare as a business case: Which importance is placed on societal impact vs economic impact?
Over the past decade, public spending on health in Denmark has been above the EU average. But how does Denmark decide which new treatment approaches to spend money on, and does the societal impact of healthcare measures play an equally important role as their economic impact?
PhaseV: Input from users and clinicians is essential in the development of new digital health solutions
The input from both end-users and clinicians is a crucial part of the design phase in the PhaseV project, where Monsenso and partners will develop a range of new digital health solutions for future clinical trials.
Monsenso participates in new project to investigate what works best for patients with depression after discharge from psychiatric treatment
How do patients who have received psychiatric treatment for depression experience the sector transition into the primary sector? And what are their needs for treatment and care from different healthcare sectors? The DEPRIC research project is now trying to find answers and thereby develop a new treatment model for depression across healthcare sectors in Denmark.
European community-based intervention project will use Monsenso’s platform to prevent mental illness
Together with a European consortium of partners, Monsenso has received a grant letter on a new community-based intervention project that includes development and trial of a digital health intervention delivered on Monsenso’s platform to prevent mental illness among vulnerable groups.
Monsenso to participate in AI-enabled personalised mental health therapy project
Monsenso and a consortium of partners have received a grant letter from a funding entity to develop and trial a new, AI-enabled personalised therapy concept for people with mental disorders.
Monsenso releases enhanced version of its clinical web portal & refreshed patient app
Monsenso’s new product enhancements entail an improved and even more intuitive user interface of the solution’s patient app and clinical web portal.
Monsenso signs contract with private Danish psychiatric clinic Appia Klinikken in Søborg
Monsenso signs a contract with the private Danish psychiatric clinic Appia Klinikken in Søborg, Zealand. The Monsenso digital health solution will be implemented at the beginning of 2023 and will be used to support patients and clinicians at the clinic.
Digital health as a support tool for waiting lists in mental health services
The need for mental health support is growing in Europe, but waiting lists are becoming longer as mental health services struggle to meet the demand. But are additional human resources really the answer to these problems, or do we maybe need to search for new solutions?
Digitalization could help tackle the issue of lacking resources in mental health services
Lack of resources present a significant challenge in Danish mental health services. Digitalization could help tackle these issues.
Our future tech-savvy clinicians: What can we expect and how do we get there?
It is no secret that our world is constantly changing towards becoming more digitized, and so is healthcare. But exactly how tech-savvy will future clinicians need to be, and what are the main benefits and challenges they expect to face in relation to digital solutions?