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RADMIS RESEARCH PROJECT: A smartphone-based platform that delivers context-aware treatment for depression

RADMIS Research Project: A smartphone-based platform that delivers CBT for patients with depression

The RADMIS Research Project is supported by the Innovation Foundation in Denmark and is done in collaboration with the “MONARCA team” with the department of psychiatry represented (RHP) by professor Lars V. Kessing and DTU represented by professors Jakob E. Bardram and Ole Winther.

Depression and bipolar disorder

According to WHO, depression and bipolar disorder are leading causes of disability worldwide, and they cause a high burden in terms of cost, lost productivity, morbidity, suffering, and mortality. According to the European Commission, depression is one of the most pressing public health concerns today, accounting for more than 12% of all estimated ill health and premature mortality in Europe, only exceeded by heart disease and cancer.

Although during the last few decades, psychiatric treatment has shifted more from inpatient treatment to outpatient treatment, the costs of psychiatric hospitalisations are still significant.
In fact, patients with affective disorders are more frequently hospitalised than any other patient group, counting for approximately 20% of all psychiatric hospitalisations.

Monsenso’s involvement in the RADMIS RESEARCH PROJECT

Monsenso is responsible for improving and developing four modules in the Monsenso mHealth solution.

1. Data-collection framework. This task will research and develop a framework for data collection, clustering, preprocessing, and management based on both patient self-reporting and automatic sensor data collection. This will be done as part of the Monsenso platform with input from DTU research on data preprocessing and pathological insight from RHP.

2. Context-aware CBT module. This task will research and develop a module for context-aware (just-in-time) delivery of a rumination-focused CBT and (b) concreteness training, a facilitated self-help intervention intended to increase specificity of processing in patients with depression. This will be done as part of the Monsenso platform with design and technical input from DTU and psychological insight and input from RHP.

3. CBT content. This task will develop multimedia content for CBT training, such as action and coping plans for patients, cartoon and video instruction material, and medication guidance. This content will be developed by psychologist from RHP and incorporated into the CBT module.

4. Illness-forecasting module. This task will research and develop a module for disease forecasting based on research from DTU on correlations analysis and prediction. This module will be included into the Monsenso platform.

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