Learn more about the use of mHealth technology
in the mental health space
Carelink and Monsenso partner to deliver digitally enabled nationwide mental health services
Carelink Nærhospital and Monsenso entered into a partnership and expect to deliver the first digitally supported mental health services in January 2024. Carelink Group, Denmark's largest private health and welfare services group, and Monsenso, a leading provider of...
A smartphone app that can help psychiatrists diagnose mental illness
Peter Hagelund talks about his experience of getting the wrong diagnosis and how finally after six years he got the right diagnosis and treatment.
Monsenso will begin clinical trials for anxiety
Monsenso will begin clinical trials to support the treatment of anxiety disorder in collaboration with The Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark (MHS). The objective of the Anxiety Monitoring Study is to implement and validate the Monsenso mHealth solution to support the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorder (Infographic)
To learn more about Anxiety Symptoms click on the link.
The use of mobile health technology to support the treatment of anxiety
Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of...