Monsenso partners with Australian Mental & Social Health Counselling Service Provider On the Line

Monsenso partners with Australian Mental & Social Health Counselling Service Provider On the Line

Monsenso will partner with On the Line to assist counsellors in helping clients self-manage their anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.

Copenhagen, Denmark – 19 December 2017 Monsenso, a Danish company developing mobile health solutions for mental health has partnered with On the Line, an Australian social health business. On the Line offers telephone, web chat and video counselling and social media moderation services 24/7 to more than 80, 000 people each year.

Monsenso’s mHealth solution will act as a proactive self-management app to strengthen the support and connection between counsellors and clients with a wide range of affective  and psychotic disorders. Specifically, the solution will offer a detailed routine monitoring system to help On the Line counsellors access detailed information regarding clients. This information will help counsellors  to support clients to better manage their health.

Clients will be able to input mood level, hours slept, medication taken, exercise, stress and more and this data will be fed into the dashboard to give On the Line counsellors a historic overview and analysis for each client.

“Our mHealth solution is the ideal complement to remote  and outpatient care.” said Thomas Lethenborg, CEO of Monsenso, “The live-time data collection and synchronization between clinician and client can help to enhance the quality of psychotherapeutic counselling.”  

On the Line has more than 55 years of experience in delivering mental health services to the community. It is the national provider of some of Australia’s most vital and trusted services, including MensLine AustraliaSuicide Call Back Service and SuicideLine Victoria. On the Line helps encourage people to feel better by building resilience, fostering healthy relationships, and connecting people with community support.

“The Monsenso solution will help counsellors to have a clearer picture of how their clients feel on a daily basis. For our clients, it will help them to manage their condition, identify triggers and warning signs and empower them to better manage their social health and wellbeing.” said Kim O’Neill, CEO at On The Line.

Click on this link to read this press release in Danish.

For additional information contact:

Helen Chen
+45 30 25 15 26

Improving the treatment of bipolar disorder with mobile health technology

Improving the treatment of bipolar disorder with mobile health technology

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. [1]

People suffering from bipolar disorder will have periods or episodes of depression – where they feel very low and lethargic mania – where they feel high and overactive. [2]

Unlike simple mood swings, each episode of bipolar disorder can last for several weeks and some people may not experience a “normal” mood very often. [2]

Getting an accurate diagnosis is the first step in bipolar disorder treatment. However, this isn’t always easy. The mood swings of bipolar disorder can be difficult to distinguish from other problems such as major depression, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder. For many people suffering from bipolar disorder, it takes years and numerous doctor visits before the problem is correctly identified and treated. [3]

Indicators of bipolar disorder:

  • Repeated episodes of major depression
  • First episode of major depression was experienced before age 25
  • First-degree relative suffering from bipolar disorder
  • Mood and energy levels are higher than most people’s when not depressed
  • Oversleeping and overeating when depressed
  • Episodes of major depression are shorter than 3 months
  • Lost contact with reality while depressed
  • Suffered from postpartum depression in the past
  • Developed mania or hypomania while taking antidepressants
  • Antidepressants stopped working after several months
  • Tried three or more antidepressants without success [3]

If a person is not treated, episodes of bipolar-related mania can last for between three to six months. Episodes of depression tend to last longer, for between six and twelve months. However, with effective treatment, episodes usually improve within about three months. [2]

Most people with bipolar disorder can be treated using a combination of different treatments that can include:

  • Medication such as mood stabilisers and antidepressants
  • Learning to recognize triggers and early warning signs of an episode of depression or mania
  • Psychotherapy to deal with depression and provide advice on how to improve relationships
  • Lifestyle advice such as doing regular exercise, planning activities you enjoy that give you a sense of achievement, and advice on improving your diet and getting more sleep [2]

Mobile health technology

The Monsenso mHealth platform is based on The MONARCA Research Project, aimed at developing and validating a solution for multi-parametric, long-term monitoring of behavioral and physiological information relevant to bipolar disorder.

The Monsenso solution can help predict and prevent episodes by training patients to recognize their early warning signs, which are symptoms that indicate an oncoming episode [4].

In particular, during the research project, it was discovered that these three parameters are crucial in keeping a bipolar patient stable:

  • Adherence to prescribed medication: Taking all medications on a daily basis, exactly as prescribed.
  • Stable sleep patterns: Sleeping eight hours every night and maintaining a consistent routine of going to bed, waking up.
  • Staying active both physically and socially: Getting out of the house every day, going to work, and engaging in social interaction.

Therefore, the Monsenso solution includes five core features that support a patient’s self-management:

  • Self-assessments – Reminded by an alarm, patients enter subjective data directly into the system through their smartphones. This data includes mood, sleep, level of activity, and medication. Some items can be customized to accommodate a patient’s specific needs, while others are consistent to provide statistical analysis.
  • Activity monitoring – Through a GPS and accelerometer, objective data is collected to monitor a patient’s level of engagement in daily activities. The system can also measure the amount of social activity based on phone calls and text messages.
  • Historical overview of data – On the web portal, patients and clinicians can obtain a two-week snapshot of a patient’s basic data for immediate feedback. The portal also gives them access to a detailed historical overview of the data, enabling them to explore it in depth by going back in time, and focusing on specific variables.
  • Coaching and self-treatment – The MONARCA systems supported psychotherapy in two ways. Firstly, through customizable triggers that notify the patient and clinician when the data potentially indicates a warning sign. Second, since the patients have access to their own Early Warning Signs, it empowers them to learn more about them.
  • Data sharing – To strengthen the relationship between patients and clinicians, important information and treatment decisions are shared.


[1] What is bipolar disorder? National Institute of Mental Health.

[2] Bipolar disorder.
National Health Service (NHS) UK.

[3] Bipolar disorder treatment.